Repairing and rebuilding complete machines as well as all components We can be rebuilt your worn out equipment to like new condition back to the O.E.M specifications.
The shop is equipped with 60ton crane capacity for handling the heavy loads, large welding positioners, and large machines to complete the machine work required in major rebuilds. Our mechanics & engineers are trained and experienced at installing the large bearings on shafts and have the correct tooling for the work
Brands we work with
Symons | Nordberg | Metso | Svedala | Sandvik | Eljay RC & RCII | Cedar Rapids | JCI | JAW CRUSHERS | Pioneer | Svedala | Cedar Rapids | Heiwitt Robbins | Baxter | Metso | Superior | Eagle crusher | Allis chalmers | Pegson | Hartel | Universal | Boringer | Pioneer | SCREENS | Svedala | Metso | Cedar Rapids | Terex | JCI | Telesmith |Heiwitt Robbins | Trio | And many more…
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